Techamos Una Mano

Techamos Una Mano works to use light-weight materials and new technology to solve the housing shortage issues in Oaxaca. Several government programs at the federal and state level seek to resolve the housing shortage in Oaxaca. However the large number of Mexicans in poverty makes it impossible for these programs to cover the total population in need. Construction volunteers are needed to help build homes.

Techamos Una Mano is a Oaxacan non-profit foundation that seeks, with the participation of citizens and volunteers, to create positive social and environmental impact in its community. Starting with TUM’s sustainable building technique, the organization achieves a double objective: improving living conditions of badly marginalized families, and raising awareness among the population of the importance of reusing inorganic solid wastes.

The organization is in search of new volunteers throughout the hear to help achieve the its goals. These may be organized groups or individuals. If you’d like to be a part of the team of volunteers, email them directly for more information.

Duration varies depending on what projects are currently in the works. Use the organization’s contact form to enquire about volunteering opportunities.
Free to volunteer, though you may have some fees to cover your housing on projects and such.

For more information about volunteering with Techamos Una Mano, visit them online: